Monday, July 2, 2012

Recycling T-shirt

So I have two t-shirts that I don't like any more because it's already stretched here and there (what do you expect from a $5 t-shirt?). Since I'm about to go back home for good, I want to be as efficient as possible with my luggage. I decided to made a reversible tote back from the shirts, and made head band and a fabric necklace from the remaining fabric.

This is the picture of one of the shirt before:

And here are the "transformation" of the t-shirt:

All of them (tote bag, necklace, head band)

Head band and necklace


Tote Bag side A

Tote Bag Side B


  1. I love the flowers and what a cute elephant ><

    btw, kaosnya gak dikasih lapisan apapun lagi?

    1. Enggak, soalnya selain gw males ngasih lapisan, it's not that worthy juga, secara total bahan paling cuma 2 dollar untuk pegangan.

      Lagipula kalau dikasih lapisan, tas kaosnya jadi ga se-fleksibel kalau kaos saja.

  2. o me God you're so sick! got talent there.

    nanti kalo buka kursus kasih tau mir, saya ikutan (paling males otodidak selain bahasa hahaha)
